


Quick cycling tricks from a quick PRO—Rob Krar


We asked Smartwool athlete and pro ultra runner Rob Krar to help you go far and feel good with some quick cycling tricks.

Rob Krar's Top 4 Cycling Tricks 

1. Take care of the important parts, don’t hop on the bike without a layer of Squirrel’s Nut Butter Saddle Salve.

2. Ride a tubeless wheel setup. I will certainly jinx myself now, but I have NEVER had a flat since making the change.

3. Don’t neglect your bike chain. My worst crash ever came from an old and weak chain that snapped at the worst time.

4. Watch slaying the Badger, a fascinating peek into intricate dynamics of team racing.


If you can get outside responsibly, we want to see what you’re up to. Let us know what spring activities make you smile and what Merino gear is helping you feel good. Tag us (@smartwool) and use  #gofarfeelgood.
