Protecting the future of the outdoors.

Our advocacy work is the foundation for the change we seek to create in the world. To make sure we can continue to share nature with all, we must advocate for the outdoors and for each other. We partner with advocacy organizations that align with our values—actively protecting the places we love to explore and encouraging the next and more diverse generations of outdoor enthusiasts.

Meet our partners

We’re humbled to work with such amazing national partners. And even more excited to share their Smartwool socks—designed to honor each of our partners and their unique mission in the outdoors.

POW made it their mission to mobilize the outdoor sports community to advocate positive climate action by focusing on educational initiatives, political advocacy, and community-based activism. Show your support for POW with their Smartwool sock—inspired by the pink sunrise skies on cold winter mornings—a sight skiers never get tired of.

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Outdoor Afro works to support Black communities in the outdoors by inspiring connections and leadership in nature. This hike sock features a print designed by one of Outdoor Afro’s volunteer leaders, Leandra Taylor, that is inspired by their mission to emphasize joy and community outside while standing up to protect local areas and wild places.

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We’ve teamed up with The Nature Conservancy to create a sock that celebrates the importance of nature all around us—whether we’re enjoying wide open spaces or tree-lined city streets or local parks. TNC is dedicated to helping protect lands and waters—ensuring that they can be enjoyed by future generations. And we’re dedicated to helping them do it.

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Environmental Learning for Kids is a Colorado-based organization that gives underserved urban youth the opportunity to engage with the natural world while developing leadership and growth. The sock design itself is a celebration of Chicanx, Latinx, and Hispanic histories, cultures, and contributions. This sock’s bold, colorful, loud design connects to stories and memories that resonate with the students who designed it.

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We designed this sock to celebrate our partnership with our advocacy partner, The Venture Out Project. TVOP leads wilderness and outdoor adventure trips for LGBTQ+ folks of all ages. In addition to their trips, TVOP leads workshops and provides education for allies and LGBTQ+ folks alike so that we can all feel welcome and safe in the outdoors. Show your support for TVOP with their Smartwool sock.

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Through outdoor adventure experiences, positive adult mentorship, and leadership development opportunities, SOS Outreach provides opportunities for personal growth for the kids in the communities that need it most. SOS Outreach held an art contest with youth participants to select the sock design, and after over 1,350 votes were cast, the winning design was awarded to North Lake Tahoe Junior Mentors Adrian, Chris, and Emiliano.

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Providing a link between businesses and the conservation community, The Conservation Alliance enables and inspires us to work together across the outdoor industry to protect the wild places vital to our businesses, our consumers, our economy, and our planet. The sock design was inspired a timeless aesthetic of the 1970s with colors that tie back to nature—encouraging us to get out there.

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Big City Mountaineers (BCM) works to leave a lasting impact on the lives of students from disinvested communities. Their programs target barriers to outdoor access, helping students to create and sustain meaningful personal connections with the outdoors that support their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. This sock was designed by Camilla of Minneapolis in the BCM program.

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The outdoors are essential to our happiness, health, and well-being. Quality parks and green spaces are fundamental for sustaining equitable, resilient communities. Access to nature and the outdoors—close to home, in the cities and communities where people live—is a matter of health, equity, and justice. That’s why we work alongside communities across the country to create, protect, and steward the nature-rich places that are vital to human well-being. We’re driven by four commitments: equity, health, climate, and community.

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Dive deeper into our Advocacy program and partners on our What Matters page.